Welcome in BeautyBox

Unlock Your Beauty Potential
at BeautyBox Academy

Discover the art of eyelash extensions and makeup with our comprehensive training programs.


If you have short and rare eyelashes then eyelash extension is what you
need. You can see the result of our work in the gallery.

Unlock Your Beauty Potential
at BeautyBox Academy

Discover the art of eyelash extensions and makeup with our comprehensive training programs.
About Us

We are BeutyBox.
We teach microblading.

This is a basic text element.
We take a holistic approach to architecture, considering not only the aesthetics and functionality of a space but also its impact on the environment and community. Our team of experts works closely with clients to understand their vision and translate it into a design that meets their unique needs.
Happy Customers
Years of Experience

Trusted by more than 20 cats

Join the growing community of feline fans and see for yourself why we are their go-to choice.




Work Hours


Work Hours



What we offer

Tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed. Fringilla urna porttitor rhoncus dolor purus non enim praesent elementum.

Microblading Course #1

Info about microblading course #1. I have no idea what to write so i will write gibberish, so if someone is trying to read this dont be confused.
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Microblading Course #2

Info about microblading course #2. I have no idea what to write so i will write gibberish, so if someone is trying to read this dont be confused.
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Microblading Course #3

Info about microblading course #3. I have no idea what to write so i will write gibberish, so if someone is trying to read this dont be confused.
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Clients Opinions

Volutpat Consequat Mauris Nunc Congue Nisi Vitae Suscipit Tellus. Porttitor Rhoncus.
Ut Consequat Semper Viverra Nam Libero Justo Laoreet. Sit Amet Mauris Commodo Quis Imperdiet Massa Tincidunt Nunc. Facilisis Magna Etiam Tempor Orci Eu Lobortis Elementum Nibh Tellus. Posuere Morbi Leo Urna Molestie At Elementum.

Milton Lopez

Sit Amet Aliquam Id Diam. Ullamcorper Dignissim Cras Tincidunt Lobortis Feugiat Vivamus At. Id Aliquet Lectus Proin Nibh Nisl Condimentum Id Venenatis

Rae Woodman

Eu Turpis Egestas Pretium Aenean Pharetra Magna Ac Placerat. Aliquam Nulla Facilisi Cras Fermentum Odio Eu Feugiat. Amet Cursus Sit Amet Dictum Sit Amet.

Jackson Randell

Making the world a better place through constructing elegant hierarchies.
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